My name is John Kok and I am retired after a 30 year career working in Corporate America for a fortune 500 company. I luckily retired at 56 and have been managing my own money for almost 12 years buying and selling stocks. My mantra is I made the money and I'm going to manage it.
I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 46 years and have two adult children. My daughter is a Dr. in Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture with a practice close to her home town. She's been married to a CHP officer for 15 years. My son has been married for 9 years and just had his second son with his bride. He and his wife both work in Corporate America as Directors in Consumer goods. Fortunately, they live right around the block from us.
I started out to write a book about the metrics I use to pick stocks, I wrote for several years and found it's easier to say you're going to write a book than actually write one. My goal was to share my metrics with my family so they knew how I approached the stock market upon my eventual departure.
My son suggested I do a Podcast so I started one. I now have two seasons, it's been downloaded close to 200,000 times and has been listened to in over 149 countries.
My goal of the Podcast, is to help take out the complication of buying and selling stocks. To take out the noise and confusion that most folks experience. I do my best to simplify this with a simple set of metrics that I use to evaluate a purchase.
I am not a financial professional, I did not spend time in my career in the financial field. I'm just a regular guy who felt like I could manage my retirement myself. My mantra is....I made the money and I'm going to manage it. Coupled with the mantra..."If you don't believe in yourself who will?"